GENERAL // 01 MAR 2022
Well, we made it. From a silly little idea I had while riding a ski lift, to almost exactly a year later launching a site. Absolutely insane. I can say for a fact, that I would not have made it this far without the support of my friends and family. There are a few folks I’d like to shout out in particular:
- Christi aka Mom, who re-structured an absolute fever dream of a rough draft into a cohesive storyline.
- Emma, who sat with me on a phone call for an hour and a half on her weekend, rearranging just seven sentences.
- Kyle, who has spent his free time redesigning and elevating the look of the Butter logo and has been endlessly supportive.
- Matt, who has provided countless images for me to use for promotion on Instagram and on the site.
And of course I would like to thank all the wonderful athletes who took time out of their day to talk to me, giving a stranger in their Instagram DMs a chance.
Beyond the panic of having no previous formal experience in conducting interviews, I can say whole-heartedly that speaking to each of these athletes was an unparalleled joy. They are kind, thoughtful and funny, people you could easily see becoming your friends. Truly, if there’s one thing I want you to take away from this magazine, is how amazing these individuals are.
Looking to the future, the current plan of action is to have the next issue, Summer, release on June 1st. I’ve learned so much from the process of putting together this first issue and I have a thousand ideas on how to improve and expand into the next one.
Thank you so much for taking the time to be here and I look forward to seeing you in the next one.
– A.F
Kari says:
Incredible example of following through with your passion just like the people you interview.
Jennifer Wiandt says:
Love this, Alex Fig! Super inspiring and stunning presentation. Your poetic sense for language and vision shines. The sky really isn’t a limit.